Moitreyo Ganguli
Community Officer candidate

Candidate Profile

Tell us about yourself

I am a law student from Bangalore, India, and a member of Aidan’s. Some (there are more) of the roles I am passionate about have been President of Aidan’s LGBT Soc, exec committee member of Durham University Rock Society, Durham University Labour Club, Aidan’s International Welfare Officer, and publicity for Nightline. I also work behind the SU Bar and the Reception, which lets me meet different representatives in the SU to learn about their work.

Why is the role important to you?

When I came to university, I struggled a lot with depression and feeling lonely. I was very lucky to find friends and engage in societies here, but sadly this can be difficult for some. Many students struggle with loneliness and living away for the first time with little to no support or sense of representation, and this needs to change.

We have the opportunity to elect someone who will give credible and visible support to students by holding workshops in Michaelmas, improving signposting on mental health support and starting a visible mental health campaign that creates a culture where students actively look out for each other. I will engage with student bodies like Nightline and welfare, who I’ve worked with before, to maintain a more visible presence on campus, and I’ll represent the importance of mental health directly to the university, as it is something I have personally struggled with.

Why should people vote for you?

Helping students feel supported at university is a personal mission of mine; there’s nothing else I’d rather be doing next year. I want to bring about a change in the university in terms of the loneliness many students struggle with, improving the relationship students and student bodies like JCRs and student societies have with the SU, and trying my best to make sure everyone feels supported, regardless of who they are or what they want from their time at university. I will be an officer that is open to scrutiny, aiming to increase the SU’s transparency and visibility around campus.

If elected, what sort of officer would you be?

Someone who listens and embraces change, I live by punk, rock and metal philosophy. I will engage and work with as many people as possible to bring it about. I want everyone to feel represented so my door will always be open, but that’s not enough. I intend on proactively reaching out to as many student groups and individuals as I can to learn about the problems you are facing, your ideas on how to solve them, working on the systemic issues we already know we need to work on (and your ideas on it if you want!)

In one sentence, tell us what you imagine Durham could become

A place where everyone feels at home and where everyone feels like they can fit in, regardless of who they are, a community where everyone looks out for each other and a student union that supports and represents EVERY student at the university without fear of criticism or constructive feedback.