Who sits on Assembly?

The Assembly membership is made up of an elected cross-section of student representatives and students from different communities within the University.

Some members of Assembly have an existing role representing constituencies of students and we hold seats on Assembly for them. It is up to the constituency of students to decide who takes the seat. We call these positions ‘representatives’.

Other members of Assembly are elected because they are a member of a specific community or demographic at the university. Any Durham SU student can run for any of the seats they define into. We call these positions ‘places’. The Open Place seats are for any student to be elected to.

Students may only hold one seat on Assembly.

You can find the names and roles of all Assembly members public once they have been elected and their votes made public as part of the Assembly minutes.


Durham SU Student Officers (x5)

Academic Affairs Committee (x1)

UG Faculty Places (x8)

PG Faculty Places (x8)

Associations Representatives (1 from each recognised association)

College Representatives (1 from each college)

DUCK Representative (x1)

JCR Presidents’
Committee Representative (x1)

MCR Presidents’
Committee Representative (x1)

Open Place (x7)

Student Groups Place (x8)

Student Groups Committee Representative (x1)