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We're Here

We are a student-run listening service open Tuesday-Thursday, Saturday and Sunday between 9pm and 7am during term time.

What we do

We are here to listen to you about about anything on your mind. This could be friends, relationships, stress, late night thoughts or anything else.

We don't give advice, the service is non-judgmental, confidential and anonymous, and we're not aligned with any beliefs, thoughts or opinions. 

Call us - find our number on DUO or your campus card, or message us online at

All Durham University students are welcome to contact us, whether you are an undergrad, postgrad, exchange, part-time, or a year-abroad student.

Connect with us

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Volunteer with us

We welcome new volunteers through our termly Training Weekends. For more information see our website:

Terms and conditions

Click here to view terms and conditions


Durham Nightline operates under a comprehensive set of policies and procedures, copies of which are available from our website.

As a member of a Durham Students' Union group, the executive members who run your group and the Students' Union may use your name and email address to get in touch with you about group activities, elections, opportunities, and news. Your data will not be shared with any third parties and you may contact us at any time if you would like to access your data. You can find more information about how we manage your data on our website.