Kpop Society

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The society for Durham University students who like listening to K-pop, watching K-Dramas or enjoy K-pop Dances – whatever floats your boat!

It doesn't matter if you've only recently started listening to K-pop or have just suddenly found yourself watching K-Dramas religiously, everyone from all backgrounds is welcome to join in the fun~

Join our Discord server to easily chat with other K-pop fans – all our events and general info can be found over there, along with a whole bunch of resources, the latest K-pop news, other society members, cool emoji, and exec some of whom are pretty chatty too (when we’re procrastinating from doing our ‘important’ work anyway).

While you're online, why not follow our Instagram as well to keep up with K-pop soc right alongside all your favourite artists? Check out our story too for snap polls and the music the exec are vibing to at any given time.

We've got loads of exciting things planned for this year so we hope you can come along, maybe discover some new artists or even find people who listen to your faves too! 🤩

Signing off with an obligatory “Stan LOONA” from your K-pop soc Secretary (that’d be Luca 🙄).

💖 Durham University K-Pop Society Exec

Terms and conditions

Click here to view terms and conditions


As a member of a Durham Students' Union group, the executive members who run your group and the Students' Union may use your name and email address to get in touch with you about group activities, elections, opportunities, and news. Your data will not be shared with any third parties and you may contact us at any time if you would like to access your data. You can find more information about how we manage your data on our website.

By purchasing this membership you agree to:

  • Comply with the terms of the groups constitution, the relevant rules and regulations, and all the relevant laws and regulations.
  • Act in the best interests of the student group and Durham SU, and uphold the student group’s aims and the objects of Durham SU.