Develop Skills and Make the Future Better as Part of Assembly

Friday 12-11-2021 - 10:16
Assembly positions article

Do you want experience of student politics, debating important decisions, and public speaking, all while making the future better for students? You can build all these skills and more as a member of Assembly.

Assembly is a body of students that shapes the direction of your Students' Union and ensures your interests are represented. At Assembly meetings, students debate current issues in Durham and vote on the direction of the SU. If you would like to become a voting member or be involved in how Assembly runs, apply for one of the following positions:

Chair of Assembly is a student who manages the running of the Assembly meeting (a bit like the Chair in a JCR or MCR meeting), they must remain neutral to do this effectively. You can view a role description here.

Open positions (women/carer, first year undergrad, postgrad, or open) are places for new Assembly members who can vote on policy. You might want to apply for a position marked for specific students (e.g. the postgraduate place) or you can apply for the open position, open to all Durham students.

Governance and Grants Committee is a sub-committee of Assembly. It is responsible for reviewing governance and the policy that might be adopted by Assembly. It is also responsible for allocating grants to the SU's student groups in accordance with our regulations. There are two open positions, available to any Durham University student, which you can apply for now. Three further positions are reserved for members of student groups.

Apply by submitting a video-manifesto with no more than 1 minute, or a written manifesto with no more than 300 words to by 4pm on Tuesday 23rd November (this has been extended since previously advertised) . Your video/manifesto will be circulated, ONLY ACROSS THE MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY WHO WILL CAST THEIR VOTE. Even if you've never heard of Assembly before, we'd still love to hear from you. You can drop us an email at if you'd like more information.



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