Apply for a role on Assembly

Friday 24-05-2019 - 14:38

Do you want to have a say in ensuring the interests of student are represented and Student Officers are held accountable?

We are looking for students to become voting members of Assembly. Members of Assembly vote on suggestions students have submitted to influence what Durham SU will focus on and what changes should be made. If an idea is approved by Assembly the SU will work with the student to make it happen.

The positions available are:

  •  Assembly Open Place
  • Assembly Women or Carer Open Place (eligible candidates my be either a self-defining woman or a carer)

We are also looking for an Assembly Chair. The Chair facilitates the Assembly meeting and ensures assembly runs smoothly.

Governance and Grants Committee focuses on ensuring the students' voice is heard. Responsibilities include assisting in the running of elections, settling disputes regarding democratic processes and reviewing and approving student group grants.

The positions available in this committee are:

  •  Governance and Grants Committee Open Place
  •  Governance and Grants Committee Society Open Place (eligible candidates must be a current member of a student group)

You can nominate yourself for any of the above positions here. Deadline for applications is 10 June.

If you would like any more information about these positions, please email


Related Tags :

assembly, Governance and Grants, Get involved, opportunity,

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