A Students' Union that cares

Arguably within the North East, Durham Students’ Union is behind in engagement and support for student carers. The university also falls behind in support provisions for carers. A number of ways to improve this shortfall are listed within the policy.

Related Officer: Welfare Lib

Passed/Renewed: 16/06/2017

Expiry: 16/06/2019

Last updated: Epiphany 2019

  1. Easter 2017 Policy passed.
  2. Michaelmas 2017 A page is setup with resources for carers on the Students' Union website.
  3. Epiphany 2018 The discussions for the 2019/20 Access Agreement ensure that carers are included within widening participation activity, particularly by working with the organisations "Young Carers" and "Looked after Young People". The SU has funded two child-friendly events for the newly launched Mature Students Association.
  4. Epiphany 2019 Carers to be a named group in the 2020/21 Acess and Participation plan. Durham SU have continued to fund child friendly events for the Mature Students Association (MATSA).