EU settlement in the UK


Whatever your views on Brexit, there’s currently a lot of uncertainty around the political changes it will bring. The positive news is that if you are an EU citizen already residing in the UK, the Home Office has a formal pathway to help you ensure you gain pre-settled or settled status. For all students and EU citizens in the UK, the settlement application process will open on 30 March 2019 until 21 June 2021 (or 31 December 2020 if the UK exits the EU without a deal).

What is the application process?

For the pilot scheme open to Higher Education employees, please visit:

To access the settlement application opening in March, please visit:

You can also visit the university’s webpages about Brexit here:

How much does the application cost?

As of January this year, the £65 application fee has been scrapped, meaning that it will be free to apply.

What if I have questions or concerns about my application?

Because this is a legal and immigration matter, it is best to seek specific advice on your particular case. If you are a student, please visit the Student Immigration Office at the Palatine Centre. If you are applying through the pilot scheme as an employee, you can email directly to Alternatively, you can visit Citizens Advice.

I’ve heard people saying that I need to have proof of Comprehensive Sickness Insurance, is this true?

Each applicant’s situation is different. To be absolutely sure, we advise you to thoroughly review all of the instructions about the application process above. If you are still unsure, please seek professional advice.

All of the information online, in the news, and on social media is contradictory and stressing me out. How do I know what is correct and whether I am secure?

While sometimes unavoidable, we advise that you try to avoid reading any sensationalised stories in the media or online. The most important information you can do is to begin to review the Government’s instructions on filling out your application so that you know exactly what you need to do when the time comes to apply for settlement. If you have questions, please get in touch with the details provided under ‘what if I have questions or concerns about my application’.

What if I want to apply for UK citizenship?

Once you apply for settled status, you can choose to apply for UK citizenship after one year with settled status.

Alternatively, if you have already secured permanent residency (PR) through your EU treaty rights, you can automatically apply for UK citizenship. You will first need to apply for a PR document. However, permanent residency is a right currently granted under EU law, so if you do not apply for UK citizenship, you will instead need to go through the Home Office’s full settlement process to secure settlement, because PR will no longer be valid after the UK leaves the EU.

I have more questions about the UK’s exit from the EU and studying in Durham, where can I ask them?

The University have an enquiry form for all your questions relating to the topic here, which they will then use to create a new FAQs section for their website. Durham SU also aims to follow up with the University to make sure these queries are answered. There is a useful tool on the UK Government's website aimed at helping EU, EEA and Commonwealth citizens know what to do if they want to continue living in the UK after it leaves the EU.

Page last reviewed: 25/03/2019