
Durham University Volunteer Hub

by Anonymous 28 December 2020, 16:45

Category: Student Groups

Voting closed

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Durham University offers a multitude of opportunities to students who wish to volunteer their time to support an important cause- be it through SCA initiatives, or via DUCK, or the initiatives taken by college outreach groups. However, a primary issue is that unless you are made immediately aware of these groups at the beginning of the academic year, opportunities to support them and get involved with the work they do become sparse, and increasingly difficult to join. The Durham University Volunteer Hub would seek to overcome this issue that thwarts Durham University's efforts to create a sustained, accessible way to engage with charitable initiatives. Essentially, The Hub would be an online portal in which any society could advertise their philanthropic endeavours to the wider Durham community. Posts on The Hub could be a call for volunteers, a call for donations, or just an effort to renew interest and increase membership to a charity-orinetated society throughout the year. It would demonstrate the freshers fair isn't the sole chance to engage with philanthropy. There would be no cost to advertise on the page, nor any cost to view the page. It would be a centralised way for all of Durham University's charitable causes to highlight their work and expand beyond the remits of their mailing lists. 
