
Adding religious holidays to the calendar

by Daisy Winter 23 November 2020, 11:37

Category: Representation

Voting closed

3 Dislikes

The calendar acknowledges the religious holidays of several religions, but there are still many unrepresented. For example, adding the pagan (mostly Wiccan) wheel of the year to the calendar would increase represention and inclusion of our pagan community here in Durham University. Many pagans don't follow the wheel of the year and have different holidays, but the wheel of the year is the most common set of religious holidays followed in modern day. This would also increase representation for the community of practitioners of witchcraft as many witches also follow the wheel of the year. 

As such, not only do I want to have the wheel of the year added to the calendar, but for the student union website to have a place where students of any religion can ask for their religion to be represented on the calendar.
