
Access to education for those with disabilities

by Anonymous 16 October 2020, 00:38

Category: Teaching

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I think that Universities have shown with their responses to COVID-19 that degrees are very possible to be taught 100% online, leading to the same degree documents to those with 100% in-person degrees. I personally feel, as someone with a chronic medical condition classed as a disability, that this education should always be available as an online option. This would not only help physically disabled students, but menatally disabled individuals and people with various obligations in their daily lives. I put off University for 5 years as a result of my health and I believe the main reason I went through with going this year was the promise of online lectures for at least the 1st term. I am unsure if I will be able to physically cope with a 100% in person degree after this term, therefore I honestly believe the introduction of fully online degrees could change people's lives, as I know it would change mine. 

I was not online at the beginning of my course just a few weeks ago and in those short days that I moved to Durham, my health rapidly deteriorated as I feared it might. Since coming home my health has begun to improve but the knowledge that I may have to return after Christmas is, quite frankly, daunting. The continuation of the option for online teaching is imperative to promote the equality of access to education.  
