Student Group Committee

Durham Students’ Union is the overarching body supporting over 250 Student Groups covering a diverse range of activities and campaigns.

The key to the success of these groups is not only a strong executive team and enthusiastic members, but also an overarching committee that helps to make key decisions about how student groups can be best supported.

Chair Theo Stubbs
Academic Matthew Brooker
Active Dylan Rana
Associations Amelie Mitchell
Cultural & Faith Emma Zaoli
Interests Aryan Makhecha
Media Emily Doughty
Political and Causes Jacob Field-Gibson
Professional Development Abhiraj Banerjee
  • Opportunities Officer – Co-Chair of Student Group Forum.
  • 8 elected category representatives (see above) plus the Opportunities Officer.
Professional Development Enhance your skills
Political & Causes Change the world
Cultural & Faith Share a culture, faith or belief
Active Keep moving
Academic Learn around your course
Interests Share what you love
Media Communicate with the world
Associations Representing the marginalised groups
  • Discuss policy regarding student groups.
  • Review applications to decide new student group ratification.
  • Work with the Opportunities Officer & Team to help identify and support the needs of student groups.
  • Work cohesively as a team to resolve common issues shared by student groups and review regulations to ensure that student groups are running effectively.
  • The committee meets on the agreed dates, to review any applications that may have conflicts of interest.
  • The majority of application discussion/ratification will be actioned on the Student Group Committee Facebook page which you will be added to.
  • You will be required to lead working group meetings comprised of student group exec/member volunteers. These working groups will feed into completing the committee’s main objective.
  • Attend Student Group Forum where you will represent your elected category.
  • We expect you to take ownership of your category and act as a liaison between the student groups and the Opportunities staff team, communicating any issues and resolutions.
  • The Opportunities team will prepare in advance information regarding new group applications.

Nominations are currently closed. 

How to self-nominate

  1. Once the nomination period is open go to and log in to your account by clicking on the “Sign in” button at the top of the screen
  2. Once logged in hover over your name at the top of the screen and click on “Account/Profile” button
  3. Click on “My Nominations” on the left-hand side of the screen and a list of any elections that you can self-nominate for will appear, complete the information required and submit your application.

How to vote

  1. Once the voting period is open log into the DurhamSU website as above, once logged in follow this link and a list of elections that you can vote in will then appear. Again if the election doesn’t show you may be logged into the website with the wrong account.

Not only do you get to help Durham SU further support a diverse family of student groups and activities the transferable skills are as follows;

  • Leadership
  • Research
  • Accountability
  • Decision making
  • Team work
  • Time management
  • Organisation
  • Communication
  • Representation

"If you love student groups and want to make sure they're ran in the best possible way for students, then you should definitely apply to be on Student Group Committee! "

"it's fantastic to be able to get to know, individually support, and share the views of fantastic societies! "

"Do you want to see your decisions make some real impact for Durham students? Take over my (elected) hat as representative for all Academic societies on the SU's Student Group Committee then! "