Culture Commission

  1. April 2021Completing second stage of research. The Commissioners conduct in depth interviews and focus groups with students and key stakeholders.
  2. May 2021Analysis of research. Interviews and focus groups are analysed, and key themes are identified.
  3. End of May 2021The Commissioners meet to discuss the results and begin to design recommendations.
  4. June 2021 Key findings and recommendations from the Commissioners are shared to the student body.
  5. July 2021 First draft of full Commission is written
  6. Michaelmas 2021 Finalising the report with the commissioners.
  7. Michaelmas 2021 The final report is launched in the Academic year 2021-22 to the student body and wider university community.
  8. Michaelmas 2021 and beyondStudent Officers work to implement the findings of the Culture Commission.